Our work with professionals
We work with local authorities, multi academy trusts and schools on the development of pragmatic flexischooling policies, bespoke to each setting.
For LAs and MATs, we save the time and effort it would take to develop flexischooling policies - highlighting ways to reallocate existing resources, reducing the financial burden of SEND tribunals and allowing headteachers to make common sense flexischooling timetables available to more families.
For schools, we design a practical blueprint to ensure flexischooling policies are bespoke to each setting and have the biggest positive impact on children, families and staff. This includes information on legalities and best practice, how to guides on attendance and curriculum and the option of long term support with consultation and implementation.

How we work with professionals
"Some children will forever struggle to cope with the full-time school environment"
Relationships Foundation 2022
Flexischooling is a mechanism that enables children to receive an education 100% of the time.
We will help you utilise flexischooling so pupils receive the education they need while you meet your statutory obligations.